This page describes the way this website manages the personal data of the users who consult it. The processing of this data is carried out in conformity to the criteria set out by European regulations regarding personal data protection, reg. 2016/679/EU together with other national legislation, regulation or authorization by competent authorities in this regard. According to the indicated norm, processing should be based on the principles of correctness, legality and transparency and on the safeguarding of privacy and rights. This information page regards only this website and not for any other website that may be consulted by the user via links.
Following consultation of this website, personal data of identified or identifiable users may be processed. The data controller of this processing is SCEA SRL, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore, with headquarters at viale Edison, 27, 37059 Campagnola di Zevio (VR), tel.: 045 548455, e-mail:
Data processing regarding the web services of this site takes place in the above-mentioned headquarters of this company and are treated by company personnel and/or by nominated external personnel involved in maintenance and up-dating. No data deriving from the web service is communicated or distributed to third parties. Personal data of users who forward requests for services or information is used for the sole purpose of carrying out the service requested. They may be communicated to named third parties only in the case where this is deemed necessary.
Navigation data. Information systems and software procedures used for this website acquire personal data during the course of normal operation. The transmission of this data is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols of internet. This information is not collected for the purpose of being associated with identified users but which, by their very nature, may be used in connection with data collected and processed by third parties for the identification of users. This includes data referring to IP addresses, names and dominions of computers used by users connecting to this site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the dimensions of the files obtained, the numeric code indicating the state of the response of the server (success, error etc.) and other parameters regarding operating systems and the information environment of the user. This site uses this data for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information regarding the use of the site and the correct functioning of the site. Data may be used to determine responsibility in the hypothetical case of criminal acts against the site. This data, for the sole afore-mentioned use, is not subject to the requirement of users’ consent.
Data supplied voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated in this website or the compilation of the forms with optional or mandatory fields in the specific sections of the site involves the acquisition of information and the address of the sender, necessary for the response to requests for services and/or information. This data, for the specific uses mentioned, does not require the request for permission of the user.
This site has no specific intention of collecting personal data of users. Cookies are not used for the transmission of personal information. The site does not use persistent c.d. cookies which are systems used for tracing users. The use of c.d. cookies during a session (which are not permanently memorized and which are deleted with the closure of the browser) is strictly limited to the transmission of identification of the session (created by random numbers generated by the server) necessary for secure and efficient exploration of the site. The c.d. cookies used on this site avoid the use of other forms of information gathering which could prejudice the privacy of the navigation of users and they do not permit the acquisition of personal identification data of the user.
Apart from that specified for navigation data, the user has the freedom to offer personal data for the request of services or information. The failure to supply this information could lead to the impossibility of obtaining the service or information requested.
Data is processed by the data controller and by specifically nominated personnel in order to carry out the indicated objectives through means of electronic instruments and paper archives, as well as security measures used to guarantee the protection of personal data and avoid the unauthorized access by third parties. The data controller does not make use of automated processes including profiling in order to achieve the objectives outlined in this information page.
The data controller will process personal data for the time necessary to achieve the above-mentioned objectives and in any case not over two years from the date of acquisition of this data.
According to art. 15 – 22 G.D.P.R., the user has the right to request access to personal data or to modify or delete personal data or to limit the use of this data. Furthermore, the user can oppose the processing of personal data as well as request the portability of this data The request can be made by e-mail or by fax or by registered mail with the following reference: “Request by the user”. The user should specify the particular right they wish to apply (cancellation, modification, portability, deletion), together with a valid e-mail address to which the reply can be sent. The data controller, or person nominated by the data controller, will proceed with the answer of the request within 30 days of reception of the same. In the case of a complex reply, the time limit may be extended to a further 30 days, providing this is communicated to the user. In the case where the user wishes to, he can make a complaint to the competent authorities, the national garantor of privacy, with headquarters in Palazzo Monte Citorio 121, Roma.